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Charles Hanson, LA County Department of Children & Family Services, “Child Abuse and Neglect, Prevention, Intervention and Treatment Services (CAPIT)- West San Fernando Valley.”

Charles Hanson (Educational Psychology & Counseling) has received $61,810 from the LA County Department of Children & Family Services in…

Elizabeth A. Say, University of Pennsylvania, “Hispanic Serving Institutions: Pathways to the Professoriate.”

Elizabeth A. Say (Humanities) has received $31,590 from the University of Pennsylvania in support of a project entitled “Hispanic Serving…

Richard Moore, City of Los Angeles,”Program Evaluation and Customer Satisfaction Surveys- Summer Youth Employment Evaluation.”

Richard Moore (Management) has received $161,336 from the City of Los Angeles Economic and Workforce Development Department in support of…

Susan Belgrad, California Department of Education, “Supporting Diverse K-6 Students’ Sense of Belonging and Science Achievement through a Network of STEM-Integrated Professional Learning Communities.”

Susan Belgrad (Elementary Education) has received $232,808 from the California Department of Education in support of a project entitled “Supporting…