Faculty and Staff Awards for March 2018
Each month, California State University, Northridge faculty and staff receive funding from outside organizations to support unique programs and cutting-edge research facilitated on campus. Below are a list of the individuals who received awards in March 2018.
Yoshie Hanzawa (Department of Biology) received $853,001 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “Network Landscape of Photothermal Flowering in Soybean.”
Stephen Kutay (Department of Collection Access and Management Services) received $38,272 from CSU Pomona in support of a project entitled “Digitizing Southern California Water Resources: A proposal to the Council on Libraries and Information Resources’ Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives program.”
Jennifer Cotton (Department of Geological Sciences) received $20,698 from the National Science Foundation as supplemental support of a project entitled “RUI/Collaborative Research: MSB-ECA: Mice-o-scapes: Using isotopes to understand the effect of climate and landscape change on small mammal ecology over the past 100 years.”
Gang Lu (Department of Physics and Astronomy) and Xu Zhang (Department of Physics and Astronomy) received $60,000 from the National Science Foundation as supplemental support of a project entitled “Data-Driven Discovery of Novel 2D Materials for Optoelectronic Applications.”
Merav Efrat (Department of Health Sciences) received $150,000 from the US Department of Agriculture in support of a project entitled “Pathways to Lactation Consulting for Human Sciences Students.”
Shari Tarver-Behring (Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling) received $131,117 from the California Office of Emergency Services in support of a project entitled “Sexual Assault Response Team (XS) Program.”
Shari Tarver-Behring (Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling) received $162,932 from the County of LA, District Attorney in support of a project entitled “County Victim Services (XC) Program.”
Danielle Bram and Regan Maas (Department of Geography and Environmental Studies) received $140,000 from the US Forest Service in support of a project entitled “US Forest Service Region 3 National Hydrography (NHD) Spatial Data Update .”
Regan Maas (Department of Geography and Environmental Studies) received $4,089 from Jet Propulsion Laboratory in support of a project entitled “Operational Evapotranspiration for the State of New Mexico.”
Shari Tarver-Behring (Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling) received $110,000 from the California Department of Public Health in support of a project entitled “Strength United: Community Mobilization for Primary Prevention of Sexual Assault.”
Joshua Schwartz (Department of Geological Sciences) received $58,348 from the National Science Foundation in continuing support of a project entitled “CAREER: Investigating Controls on Arc Flare-ups and the Growth of Lower Continental Crust.”
Robert Carpenter (Department of Biology) and Peter Edmunds (Department of Biology) received $257,323 from UC Santa Barbara in continuing support of a project entitled “LTER: MCR III: Long-Term Dynamics of a Coral Reef Ecosystem.”