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Maria-Rita D’Orsogna, US Army, “Warfighter Neuroendocrinology: modeling stress response, PTSD, and TBI”

Maria-Rita D’Orsogna (Mathematics) has received $24,653 from the US Army in continuing support of a project entitled “Warfighter Neuroendocrinology: modeling…

Bingbing Li, National Science Foundation, “Collaborative research: creating an upper division additive manufacturing course and laboratory for enhancing undergraduate research and innovation”

Bingbing Li (Department of Manufacturing System Engineering Management) has received $70,755 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a…

Sally Spencer, US Department of Education, “Literate Adolescents (LA) Intervention Model Demonstration Project”

Sally Spencer (Special Education) has received $400,000 from the US Department of Education, in support of a project entitled “Literate…