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Julian Lozos, US Geological Survey, “Dynamic rupture modeling on the Hayward Fault, northern California – estimating coseismic and postseismic hazards of partially creeping faults. Collaborative research: California State University, Northridge, and University of California, Riverside”

Julian Lozos (Geological Sciences) has received $23,352 from the US Geological Survey, in support of a project entitled “Dynamic rupture…

Katherine Stevenson and Cathy Gaspard, LA Unified School District, “TCMS Training Proposal to LAUSD from CSUN”

Katherine Stevenson (Mathematics) and Cathy Gaspard (Secondary Education) have received $10,876 from the LA Unified School District, in support of…

Shari Tarver-Behring, California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, “CalOES RAPE CRISIS PROGRAM VN16”

Shari Tarver-Behring (Educational Psychology and Counseling) has received $48,884 from the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, as supplemental support…

Shari Tarver-Behring, California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, “CalOES RAPE CRISIS PROGRAM NW16”

Shari Tarver-Behring (Educational Psychology and Counseling) has received $27,230 from the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, as supplemental support…