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Elena Miranda, National Science Foundation, “Collaborative Research: Strain localization, shear zone connectivity, and magma-deformation interactions by depth within a 65 km thick transpressional continental arc”

Elena Miranda (Geological Sciences) has received $106,457 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “Collaborative Research:…

Nola Kennedy, National Institutes of Health, “Student-to-Scientist Bridge Program in Environmental Health Science (S2S Bridge)”

Nola Kennedy (Environmental and Occupational Health) has received $107,339 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project…

Shari Tarver-Behring, Friends of the Family, “Friends of the Family Subcontract for Prevention and Aftercare Services/Activities”

Shari Tarver-Behring (Educational Psychology and Counseling) has received $46,080 from the Friends of the Family in support of a project…