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Nicholas Kioussis and Gang Lu, U.S. Department of Defense, “Computer Cluster for Materials Research and Education”

Nicholas Kioussis and Gang Lu (Physics and Astronomy) have received $302,661 from the U.S. Department of Defense in support of…

Shereazad “Jimmy” Gandhi, Bingbing Li, Ryan Holbrook, Lois Shelton, Vidya Nandikolla, Venturewell, “Pathways to Innovation”

Shereazad “Jimmy” Gandhi and Bingbing Li (Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management); Ryan Holbrook and Lois Shelton (Management); and Vidya Nandikolla…

Joshua Schwartz, National Science Foundation, “CAREER: Investigating Controls on Arc Flare-Ups and the Growth of Lower Continental Crust”

Joshua Schwartz (Geological Sciences) has received $18,885 from the National Science Foundation as supplemental support of a project entitled “CAREER:…