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Yann Schrodi, National Institutes of Health, “New Robust Olefin Metathesis Catalysts Based on Non-Toxic and Abundant Low-Valent Molybdenum”

Yann Shrodi (Chemistry & Biochemistry) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled…

Ray Hong, National Institutes of Health, “Elucidating the function of the Lipid-Binding Protein OBI-1 in Pristionchus pacificus Nematode Chemosensation”

Ray Hong (Biology) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health in continuing support of a project entitled “Elucidating…

Paula Fischhaber, National Institutes of Health, “Recruitment of End-Processing Factors in DSB Repair”

Paula Fischhaber (Chemistry & Biochemistry) has received $103,125 from the National Institutes of Health in continuing support of a project…

Richard Moore, CA Office of Legislative Counsel, “Legislative Counsel Bureau Consulting and Training Project”

Richard Moore (Management) has received $22,778 from the CA Office of Legislative Counsel as supplemental support of a project entitled…