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Nancy Burstein and Sue Sears; U.S. Department of Education; “TQP Evaluation Extension for A Teaching Residency Program in Special Education: Improving Achievement Disabilities in High-Need Schools.”

Department of Special Education faculty members, Nancy Burstein and Sue Sears, received $229,527 from the U.S. Department of Education, in…

Peter Edmunds; University of California, Santa Barbara; “Long Term Ecological Research: Coral Reefs in Moorea French Polynesia.”

Biology professor, Peter Edmunds, received $113,439 from the University of California, Santa Barbara, in continuing support of a project entitled,…

Robert Carpenter ; University of California, Santa Barbara; “LTER: Long-Term Dynamics of a Coral Reef Ecosystem.”

Biology professor, Robert Carpenter, has received $110,336 from the University of California, Santa Barbara, in continuing support of a project…