Faculty and Staff Grants and Awards for July 2018
Judith DeBonis (Department of Social Work) received $5,000 from the California Mental Health Services Authority in support of a project entitled “Creating a Team of Gatekeeper Trainers to Promote Suicide Prevention on Campus.”
Wladimir Lyra (Department of Physics & Astronomy) received $35,000 from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in support of a project entitled “The migration of small solids in a young brown dwarf disks.”
Nicholas Kioussis (Department of Physics & Astronomy) received $40,220 from Toshiba in support of a project entitled “Voltage Controlled Magnetic Anisotropy of Heavy Metal/FeCo/MgO heterostructure.”
Virginia Oberholzer Vandergon (Department of Biology) received $39,984 from Ten Strands in continuing support of a project entitled “California Science Project Environmental Literacy Institutes 2017-2019.”
Hendrik Postma (Department of Physics and Astronomy) received $189,500 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Improving read length, accuracy, and availability of single-molecule DNA sequencing.”
Crist Khachikian and Megha Patel (Research and Graduate Studies) received $99,667 from the National Science Foundation in continuing support of a project entitled “I-Corps Sites – Type I: Harvesting an Innovation Ecosystem at a Diverse Regional Comprehensive University for Business Incubation.”
Shari Tarver-Behring (Michael D. Eisner College of Education) received $2,429 from the Los Angeles Unified School District in continuing support of a project entitled “Professional Development Services in Support of Private Schools.”
Rafi Efrat (Department of Accounting and Information Systems) received $16,750 from the New Economics for Women in support of a project entitled “The CSUN VITA Clinic @ NEW Canoga Park.”
Luciana Laganà (Department of Psychology) received $108,750 from the NIH in continuing support of a project entitled “A Preliminary Model of Physical Pain among community-dwelling multiethnic older women.”
Christoph Schaal (Department of Mechanical Engineering) received $35,000 from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in support of a project entitled “Study and Modelling of Lamb Wave Propagation Through Pristine and Flawed Manufactured Materials”.
Samira Moughrabi (Department of Nursing) received $48,000 from the CA Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development in support of a project entitled “Enhancing Success and Professional Preparation in Community College-CSUN Minority Nursing Students .”
Maria-Rita D’Orsogna (Department of Mathematics) received $117,780 from the US Army in support of a project entitled “Mathematical modeling of limbic system dynamics, pathophysiology, and response to stress.”
Ray Hong (Department of Biology) received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “The mode-of-action for pheromone-induced paralysis in Pristionchus pacificus.”
Maria Noronha (Department of Biology) received $15,000 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “RE-C^2: Research Experiences in Community Colleges (Supplement).”
Kerry Nickols (Department of Biology) received $41,000 from the USC Sea Grant Program in support of a project entitled “Wave Attenuation and Chemical Buffering: Determining Ecosystem Services of Giant Kelp to Southern California.”
Paul Wilson (Department of Biology) received $33,245 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “Digitization TCN: Collaborative: Capturing California’s Flowers: using digital images to investigate historical and geographic phenological change in a biodiversity hotspot.”
MariaElena Zavala (Department of Biology) received $696,703 from the National Institutes of Health in continuing support of a project entitled “RISE@CSUN: Preparing Students for Careers in Basic Biomedical Sciences.”