CSUN’s Teenage Drama Workshop Helps Shine Spotlight on Madrid Theater’s New Marquee

TADW student Will Riddle in rehearsing his role as Willy Wonka. Photo by Melissa Filbeck.
California State University, Northridge’s Teenage Drama Workshop (TADW) will help celebrate the premier of new marquee of the Madrid Theater with a special performance in Canoga Park Monday, July 6.
“The arts are important to all communities in Los Angeles,” said Nora Ross executive director of the Valley Cultural Center (VCC). “I think its imperative that we, as a whole (in the arts community) continue to support each other in our various capacities.”
CSUN’s Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing’s Neighborhood Partners in Action initiative united with Canoga Park-West Hills Chambers of Commence and VCC to help in this shared dream of exposing young people and their families in the Valley to the arts.
“There has been, for many years, an unwarranted stigma of the Valley being void of culture and arts,” said Ross. It’s important that we all work together to ensure all people of the Valley are aware of the multitude of arts experiences available to them.”
The ribbon cutting will take place at 9:30 a.m., with a free performance of excerpts TADW’s “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “The Little Mermaid” at 10 a.m.
The partnership with CSUN’s NPA, VCC and the Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, has been indispensible in the goal of preserving this historical valley landmark,” said Mark Neudorff, President of the Canoga Park-West Hills Chamber of Commerce. “The whole event from the ribbon cutting to the performance from TADW, demonstrates that through partnership, we can confront challenges in a positive manner. This is an important start to everything we hope to do with CSUN.”
Three hundred attendees of mostly children and families, along with leaders from the city of Canoga Park and the Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, are expected to attend.
“TADW gives children who attend the VCC’s Children’s Performance series, the opportunity to see a live performance of some of their favorite stories and encourages them to enjoy the arts,” said Ross.
TADW has been an active force in providing a creative summer outlet and opportunity for teens for 58 years.
“We are continually looking for ways to grow and expand and offer more scholarships and more experiences in the performing arts for teens,” said TADW director Doug Kaback, a CSUN professor. “This partnership with the city of Canoga Park not only provides an opportunity for our students to perform in a professional venue, but also to connect with their local community.”
Kaback, the staff and student performers of this year’s TADW season are excited to show off the creativity they’ve been working on all summer.
“We’re looking at this performance like it’s a movie preview,” said Ronnie Sperling, the director of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”
Sperling and “The Little Mermaid” director, Ray Saar, upon hearing of the performance opportunity devised a way to combine the wonder of Wonka bars and the magic of a mermaid.
“The performance will give highlights from both shows, while interweaving them to make a new story,” said Sperling.
Ross said she hopes attendees of all ages enjoy themselves.
“It’s our goal to give a total theater experience,” said Ross.
Sperling and Saar noted that TADW’s young performers are looking forward to Monday’s event.
“It gives the students another opportunity to perform, gets the word out for TADW and shows the exciting work we’re doing at CSUN,” said Sperling. “It also strengthens ties to another theater in the valley, and that’s always a good thing.”
The opening performance for “Charlie and Chocolate Factory” is Friday, July 10, with the “The Little Mermaid” opening Wednesday, July 15.
For more information on the Teenage Drama Workshop and their upcoming performances please visit http://www.csun.edu/tadw or call (818) 677-5811.
For more information on the Madrid Theater visit http://www.culturela.org/madridtheatre/about.html. For information on VCC and NPA visit http://www.valleycultural.org/ and http://www.csun.edu/wellbeing/neighborhood-partners-action-npa.