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Crist Khachikian, Gabriela Chavira, Carrie Saetermoe and Maggie Shiffrar, National Institutes of Health, “BUILD@CSUN”

Crist Khachikian (Research and Graduate Studies), Gabriela Chavira, Carrie Saetermoe, and Maggie Shiffrar (Psychology) have received $5,249,771 from the National…

Miroslav Peric, Rhada Ranganathan, Jussi Eloranta, National Science Foundation, “MRI: Acquisition of an EPR Spectrometer or Research and Education”

Miroslav Peric, Rhada Ranganathan (Physics and Astronomy), and Jussi Eloranta (Chemistry and Biochemistry) have received $258,739 for a three year…

S. Jimmy Gandhi and Bingbing Li, Mark Farquhar and Dave Moon, Wendy Murawski and Vidya Nandikola, Glendale Unified School District, “California Career Pathway Trust (CCPT)”

S. Jimmy Gandhi and Bingbing Li (Manufacturing Systems Engineering Management), Mark Farquhar and Dave Moon (Art), Wendy Murawski (Special Education),…

Yohannes Shiferaw, Northwestern University, “Atrial arrhythmias and Ca2+ waves in HF: simulation and experimental issues”

Yohannes Shiferaw (Physics and Astronomy) has received $181,249 from the Northwestern University in continuing support of a project entitled “Atrial…