
CSUN Ranked in Top 50 Schools for Health Administration

CSUN was ranked as top school for healthcare administration by healthcare-administration-degree.net.

CSUN was ranked as top school for healthcare administration by healthcare-administration-degree.net.

California State University, Northridge was recently ranked in the top 50 schools across the nation for health administration degrees by healthcare-administration-degree.net. The website particularly highlighted the online Master of Public Administration program for its community and support services.

The ranking also evaluated student outcomes, research and internship opportunities, as well as recognition opportunities such as awards and scholarships.

“We are very proud of our ranking on the top schools for health administration,” said Health Administration Program Director Louis Rubino.

The online concentration for the program is offered by CSUN’s Tseng College of Extended Learning and provides students with flexibility, as well as a cohort for networking with peers. Courses are taught by the same faculty who teach on-campus classes.

“This ranking is evidence that our faculty have been effective in duplicating our traditional on-campus learning environment into the distance learning environment,” said Frankie Augustin, professor in health administration. “Additionally, our program attracts a diverse cohort of students. This is noteworthy, given that the state of diversity leadership in healthcare needs to better reflect the diverse demographic it serves. We are doing our part to help change that.”

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