Special Liberal Studies Projects Get Boost from Matched Gift to CSUN

Brad Brown and Carrie Oto.
Brad Brown ’90 (Liberal Studies) and his wife, San Francisco State alumna Carrie Oto (Medical Technology), recently created a fund to provide opportunities for liberal studies students at CSUN.
The couple wanted to provide funding to give the chair of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies and Liberal Studies in the College of Humanities the ability to create and invest in new programming that is not covered by the state budget.
“I choose to donate to CSUN and the liberal studies program because the university offers high quality academic programs,” Brown said. “For many students, the liberal studies program is the route to becoming an educator. They will guide and ignite the inspiration of our next generation. For those students not on a credential path, a broad course of study in a four-year degree program provides the opportunity to understand the world with a greater depth of knowledge and develops skills for learning and discovery that on-the-job training and two-year technical programs rarely have time to delve into. The state university system and CSUN provide access to education without becoming encumbered with tremendous tuition debt, which has become a large problem for many in recent years. I hope that our donation will help those who need a little extra financial help along the way in their journey.”
Thanks to the CSUN Foundation’s Matador Match Challenge for 2022, which matched eligible donations, the couple’s gift is doubled to total $50,000.
To contribute to the Brown Oto Educator’s Fund or to create a fund of your own, please contact the CSUN Office of Development at (818) 677-7586 or development@csun.edu.